Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hank the Cowdog is a hoot!

Hank the Cowdog: The Case of the Coyote Invasion
OK, so it's not a living book, but it sure has given big sister a new goal: to read every one of the 57 books in the series! According to, it's the longest audiobook series for children in history!  How did I miss these when I was young? They're cute enough for my 8-year-old to enjoy, but when I read them to her, I find they're packed with vocabulary lessons that she's glad to learn. ("But you know what word he meant to use there, don't you?) It kind of goes along with my approach for teaching a spelling list next session: how many wrong ways can you find to spell this word?  Hopefully, we can have fun getting to the right spelling, then the combination of the journey and the fun will implant it in the memory.

Here's a sample lesson from Hank:
"Syrup-tish-us Load-er-a-tion." It means, "A secret and rather technical procedure for climbing aboard a pickup that is heading for town, when the driver of the alleged pickup would be less than thrilled if he knew that he was hauling dogs."
You'll notice that the root of the first word is "syrup."  ...It oozes along its course, which is a sneaky and stealthy way of moving.

Big sister had saved up enough money to buy a subscription to the newsletter, which included a free book and large poster which arrived in our mailbox in just a couple of days (not glossy, not even multi-colored. they spared every expense in the creation of that piece of merchandise.) I do recommend a visit to the website.  The interview (audio) with the author was enjoyable and another of his books has been added to my wishlist:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What to do about Alice

This is a beautifully designed picture book about Theodore Roosevelt's daughter.  Both girls, ages 8 and 4, enjoyed it.  I had never heard of Alice. Perhaps that is just as well. She sounds like a rebellious character we would have been watching on TMZ.  However, any character study leads to discussion of the time period.  She drove her own car, maximized on her father's success and joined a diplomatic voyage around the world, during which she jumped into the pool fully clothed.  She is reported to have said it would have been scandalous if she had not been clothed!
What to Do about Alice?: How Alice Roosevelt Broke the Rules, Charmed the World, and Drove Her Father Teddy Crazy!

See a review here